Runtime Modules / PoolXYK
Spec Version:
Call Functions
Storage Functions
Reserves{"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["[U8; 32]","[U8; 32]"],"value":"Tuple:U128U128","keys_id":643,"value_id":640}}
AccountPools{"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Identity","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","[U8; 32]"],"value":"Vec<[U8; 32]>","keys_id":615,"value_id":639}}
Properties{"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["[U8; 32]","[U8; 32]"],"value":"Tuple:AccountIdAccountId","keys_id":643,"value_id":644}}
Error Types
UnableToCalculateFeeIt is impossible to calculate fee for some pair swap operation, or other operation.
FailedToCalculatePriceWithoutImpactFailure while calculating price ignoring non-linearity of liquidity source.
UnableToGetBalanceIs is impossible to get balance.
ImpossibleToDecideAssetPairAmountsImpossible to decide asset pair amounts.
PoolPairRatioAndPairSwapRatioIsDifferentPool pair ratio and pair swap ratio are different.
PairSwapActionFeeIsSmallerThanRecommendedPair swap action fee is smaller than recommended.
SourceBalanceIsNotLargeEnoughSource balance is not large enough.
TargetBalanceIsNotLargeEnoughTarget balance is not large enough.
UnableToDeriveFeeAccountIt is not possible to derive fee account.
FeeAccountIsInvalidThe fee account is invalid.
SourceAndClientAccountDoNotMatchAsEqualSource and client accounts do not match as equal.
AssetsMustNotBeSameIn this case assets must not be same.
ImpossibleToDecideDepositLiquidityAmountsImpossible to decide deposit liquidity amounts.
InvalidDepositLiquidityBasicAssetAmountInvalid deposit liquidity base asset amount.
InvalidDepositLiquidityTargetAssetAmountInvalid deposit liquidity target asset amount.
PairSwapActionMinimumLiquidityIsSmallerThanRecommendedPair swap action minimum liquidity is smaller than recommended.
DestinationAmountOfLiquidityIsNotLargeEnoughDestination amount of liquidity is not large enough.
SourceBaseAmountIsNotLargeEnoughSource base amount is not large enough.
TargetBaseAmountIsNotLargeEnoughTarget base amount is not large enough.
PoolIsInvalidThe balance structure of pool is invalid.
PoolIsEmptyThe pool has empty liquidity.
ZeroValueInAmountParameterAmount parameter has zero value, it is invalid.
AccountBalanceIsInvalidThe account balance is invalid.
InvalidDepositLiquidityDestinationAmountInvalid deposit liquidity destination amount.
InitialLiqudityDepositRatioMustBeDefinedInitial liquidity deposit ratio must be defined.
TechAssetIsNotRepresentableTechnical asset is not representable.
UnableToDecideMarkerAssetUnable or impossible to decide marker asset.
UnableToGetAssetReprUnable or impossible to get asset representation.
ImpossibleToDecideWithdrawLiquidityAmountsImpossible to decide withdraw liquidity amounts.
InvalidWithdrawLiquidityBasicAssetAmountInvalid withdraw liquidity base asset amount.
InvalidWithdrawLiquidityTargetAssetAmountInvalid withdraw liquidity target asset amount.
SourceBaseAmountIsTooLargeSource base amount is too large.
SourceBalanceOfLiquidityTokensIsNotLargeEnoughSource balance of liquidity is not large enough.
DestinationBaseBalanceIsNotLargeEnoughDestination base balance is not large enough.
DestinationTargetBalanceIsNotLargeEnoughDestination base balance is not large enough.
InvalidAssetForLiquidityMarkingAsset for liquidity marking is invalid.
AssetDecodingErrorError in asset decoding.
CalculatedValueIsOutOfDesiredBoundsCalculated value is out of desired bounds.
BaseAssetIsNotMatchedWithAnyAssetArgumentsThe base asset is not matched with any asset arguments.
DestinationAmountMustBeSameSome values need to be same, the destination amount must be same.
SourceAmountMustBeSameSome values need to be same, the source amount must be same.
PoolInitializationIsInvalidThe pool initialization is invalid and has failed.
PoolIsAlreadyInitializedThe pool is already initialized.
InvalidMinimumBoundValueOfBalanceThe minimum bound values of balance are invalid.
ImpossibleToDecideValidPairValuesFromRangeForThisPoolIt is impossible to decide valid pair values from range for this pool.
RangeValuesIsInvalidThis range values is not validy by rules of correct range.
CalculatedValueIsNotMeetsRequiredBoundariesThe values that is calculated is out out of required bounds.
GettingFeeFromDestinationIsImpossibleIn this case getting fee from destination is impossible.
FixedWrapperCalculationFailedMath calculation with fixed number has failed to complete.
ThisCaseIsNotSupportedThis case if not supported by logic of pool of validation code.
PoolBecameInvalidAfterOperationPool becomes invalid after operation.
UnableToConvertAssetToTechAssetIdUnable to convert asset to tech asset id.
UnableToGetXORPartFromMarkerAssetUnable to get XOR part from marker asset.
PoolTokenSupplyOverflowPool token supply has reached limit of data type.
IncRefErrorCouldn't increase reference counter for the account that adds liquidity.It is expected to never happen because if the account has funds to add liquidity, it has a provider from balances.
UnableToDepositXorLessThanMinimumUnable to provide liquidity because its XOR part is lesser than the minimum value (0.007)
UnsupportedQuotePathAttempt to quote via unsupported path, i.e. both output and input tokens are not XOR.
NotEnoughUnlockedLiquidityNot enough unlocked liquidity to withdraw
UnableToCreatePoolWithIndivisibleAssetsCannot create a pool with indivisible assets
UnableToOperateWithIndivisibleAssetsUnable to proceed operation with indivisible assets
NotEnoughLiquidityOutOfFarmingNot enough liquidity out of farming to withdraw
TargetAssetIsRestrictedCannot create a pool with restricted target asset